Happy Isle to Top of Half Dome
Party: Simon, Jin
Distance is 17 miles
Elevation gain is 4800 feet net and 5500+ total
Trail head to Top - 6.5 hour
I am not going to re-capture the trail in details as others have done far better job doing so. A very good site can be found here at http://www.yosemitehikes.com/. This site descripts almost every trail in Yosemite including the one in interest here - Half Dome.
We used the Mist Trail going up as that saved us 2 miles of walking. We did used the John Muir Trail coming back down to save our knees for another hike some other days.
Here is the Topological map of the route we took.
Red is the route up and blue is the route down.

A long 16 1/2 miles of hiking. Climbing over 5000 feet total. The views are well worth it. The climb up the cable towards the top is not as steep as it is seems in this elevation profile as the height and horizontal distance are not to scale. It is still an incline of over 45 degree.

Here are the aerial view, front and back view for the day's hike.

This is actually the 3rd time I hike up half dome but this is the first time I carried a camera and secure evidence of my present on top of the rock.